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A fun update!!

Since the last blog…I have been a very busy lady!! But I wanted to just give an update on what I have been up too this last month and what the future looks like for me!

I co-led my last team of the year mid October! It was so much fun to see some returners and to see how God moved during that week and a half! He did some great things through the team and the kids! I am missing you guys!! 

Since then we have started our Christmas parties at all of our care points! You might wonder why we start so early, but since we have so many care points, we have to start early so we can finish before we close for Christmas. It has been so much fun seeing the excitement on the kids faces to get a special meal and a special gift! It has been even greater to see how much the kids know about the Christmas story! That’s why we celebrate Christmas right?!

All of you know that I sew with some high school girls from 2 of our care points, making headbands. We started in March and have been making them all year long. Between the 2 care points I have 89 girls!! So to celebrate this wonderful year that we have had and them making so many headbands, we had our Christmas party this past Saturday! We played some games and had some trivia on the Christmas story! We had a special meal and each girl got a special gift for working so hard!! I love these girls so much and pray for them daily! I can’t wait to see how God uses them in the future!! I told them that although I am still young…I see them as my 89 daughters! πŸ™‚ 

I have a few more Christmas parties left then I will start Preschool graduations and my final set of newsletters…so my life will be crazy busy until December! But can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for me on this crazy adventure!


I can finally share some exciting news with you guys! I have been working on details and letting my family know first before I posted anything, but I will be coming to the states to VISIT in January! I can’t wait to see my family and friends and maybe have a Krispy Kreme donut!! πŸ™‚ Since I live off of support, this trip will be very important for me to have those one-on-one’s with my supporters! I can’t wait to share what all God has done in my life since moving here to Swaziland! He is always at work in my life and the people here in Swaziland! A lot of people have asked how long I will be here and my answer to that is I will be here until the Lord calls me somewhere else. I don’t want to put a timetable on God!

 So here are some details of my visit:

*I will land in Atlanta on January 7…Happy Birthday to me!! πŸ™‚

*I will leave Atlanta on March 22 to head back to Swaziland!

*I will be getting a schedule together of where I will be and when, so if you would like for me to come and speak at your church or event, please send me an email at [email protected]. I would love to share what all God is doing here in Swaziland!

Love you guys! I can’t thank you all enough for your financial and prayer support!! Please continue to pray for me during this time, as I am finishing strong this year! See you guys soon!


  1. If only we could get you to come to Utah! One day Miss Morgan, one day. You will ski the slopes of the “Greatest Snow on Earth.”

    Thank you for saying yes, growing in leadership, and pouring out your love. God has big plans for you and your ginormous heart will reach many. Kiss some of those chubby sweet cheeks for me.


  2. You are such a blessing! May the Lord continue to fill your heart with overflowing love!
    Excited with the hope of seeing you while you are back in the States. You know Alex City is not far from Auburn…
    Love ya,

  3. I know you must be excited about coming back to the states. Hope to see you while you are here. Can hardly wait for Greg and his family to come home also!

  4. Yeah! Hopefully I will get to see you while I am there! I know you are so excited to see the family!

  5. Morgan!! I LOVE you sweet friend!! I am so incredibly EXCITED upon your return to the states for a visit!!! I can’t wait to have a Pj celebration with you and the other ladies. It will be a celebration of a homecoming and rejuvenation for your trip back!! Sidney and I pray for you daily. We love and miss you so much! What beautiful news to know you will be home for a bit. I love reading all of your updates on the work you have your hand in over in Africa. You are blessed beyond your means. Sending prayers for rain!! We love you!
    Taylor & Sidney

  6. Oh Ronnie…you have no idea how much I want to come to Utah…I might can get it worked out on this trip…just praying to see if it will work! Miss you guys!!

  7. I love you ladies!! πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to have a pj party with all of you!! Thank you so much for the prayers!! I can’t tell you enough how much it means to me!! See you ladies soon!! πŸ™‚ Miss y’all!!

  8. Morgan, you are such a blessing! Thank you for being our hands and feet. We look forward to your posts and keeping up with all that is going on with you. We certainly hope that you have time to come by New Beginning Baptist and share some of your adventures with us while you are home. Thank you for being our hands and feet. God Bless and thanks for all you do for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. With all our love, Ted and Sherry

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