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Once was blind, but now I see!

So a couple of weeks ago, I had the great privilege of helping with leading a team. I spent almost 2 weeks at a care point with the team. It is one of my favorite care points, but don’t tell anyone!! 🙂 I love being out at the care points because I get to build those relationships with the ladies that cook and the kids. So being out at the care point everyday, I got to see so many kids! It is always fun with a team being here because the kids multiply. 

So the second day we were there, I noticed this little girl walking with a friend. She had her head down and walked everywhere her friend did. After talking to the other missionary, Allison, we figured out that she was almost completely blind. I had never seen her eyes, and always had her head down. Except this one picture I have of her, she is looking at me!! (Pre-glasses)

A lady on the team had gone through a special training to do vision screenings at the care point. There were several kids that did the screening who needed glasses, so it was very helpful!! I told Allison, I think if Thandeka (Tan-day-ga) got a pair of glasses, I think it will help a little bit with her sight! So we are all standing there watching her do the vision screening and was amazed at what we saw when she got glasses put on for the first time! There was not a dry eye in the building!! 

They asked her if she could push the light…she pushed it several times!! She could finally see something!! She is a blessing to the care point!! After she got her glasses, she would actually walk to the care point by herself. She could finally see to walk by herself!! I know God has big plans for this little girl…and I can’t wait to see what it is!! A couple of days after she got her glasses, we would see her sitting around looking at things!! I called her a little grandma…hehe!

God is doing some great things here in Swaziland!! Please continue to pray for this country, the people we come into contact with everyday, and that God will get all of the glory!! He is an awesome God!! 

Thank you all for the support!! Love you guys!! 



  1. Oh Morgan!!! What a delight to be able to read this beautiful story from across the world. What a blessing to be in the presence of God moving in incredible ways. Praying daily that you are able to shine the love of Jesus to all the people you cross paths with. What a blessing to be able to love on each child there and their mothers/grandmothers/caretakers. In return, an unexpected blessing of learning their culture and love. I’m so excited God placed you there. I am so thankful He placed you in our lives to be able to minister to us His great and mighty works occurring across the world. Love you SOOO BIG little lady!! Miss you. Keep your heart on fire for God. He is using you!!! Love you beautiful!! xo

  2. This is so precious. Definitely teared up at work. I just want to hug her. 🙂
    AND you! Miss you, lady. So proud of what you’re doing.

  3. There is no end to what God can and will do through you and others who bring his love, power and grace to these little children.PraiseHIM!!!

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