
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My heart is full!

So here in Swaziland, school is a little different than in the States. At the end of January, kids start a new school year. They are out for the summer at the beginning of December! They have small breaks in between, they just start and end at different times! So to say that town has been a little crazy the last few weeks is an understatement! ๐Ÿ™‚

I tell you all this so you can see how God has been working in my life the last few months! Every mission trip that I have ever been on, I always pray that God would take me out of my comfort zone! (Boy does He do that!!) So ever since I moved here, that was one of my prayers…you all know that He did when I was given the job to write our quarterly newsletters!! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Well several months ago when we found out that the Clyburn’s would be leaving…I started praying, God what do You want me to do? Is there something else You want me to do?

(So a little background…) Allison worked with our older girls on Saturday’s, sewing headbands for Education. I started going with her some to just hang out with the girls! I LOVE hanging out with the little kids (don’t get me wrong), but I feel like the older kids need just as much love from us! They are the future…they need good role models! When I first started going, some recognized me from team trips, but I still felt like there was a wall between us. So I would speak as much Siswati as I could (which isn’t a lot…but we are working on that) with them and they would just laugh at me or just give me a weird look! 

So I started thinking, what if I just pick up where Allison left off. So one day we were riding in the car and Allison said have you thought about helping Titi on Saturdays with the girls? I said that’s funny you ask because actually I have been thinking about that a lot lately! Love how God works!! So every time I am out at Timbutini or Thulwane, I look for the girls and try to get to know them! 

So back to the whole school thing…with the girls sewing headbands, they get that money at the beginning of the school year to either pay for school fees or buy school supplies!! I didn’t know what to expect having 5-6 girls with me everyday and buying school supplies. I can tell you one thing…IT WAS A BLAST!! There was a huge crowd everyday in town, but I wouldn’t trade that time with the girls for anything!! I loved watching them pick out a colorful backpack, school uniforms, and supplies! 

After a couple of  days of shopping, one man from one of the shops asked me what I was doing and I told him. He said are they your kids? I said kind of, but no. He probably thought I was a crazy lady! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love these girls! And I can’t wait to see what God has in store for all of us on Saturdays!! It is going to be one fun ride!! Hope you enjoy the photos!! ๐Ÿ™‚


Love you all! Thanks for the prayers and support! 
