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What a year continued….

So I wanted to share some highlights of the second half of my year…

July…Team season

There are teams coming over all throughout the year, but we have most of them during the American summer. My favorite thing about teams, is seeing old friends!! I first met Kimberly in 2012. She was also an intern when I was down in Nsoko.

August…Timbali Camp

I have always heard stories about the Timbali Camp. This year, I was so excited that I was able to go! Basically the camp is for the ladies who sew for Timbali (the ladies who cook at the care points). They stay at a school for the weekend…where everything is done for them! They have devotions, worship time, and some fun activities! This year, they competed in an obstacle course…which was a blast to watch! (Nobody got hurt!)

Sept…Staff Conference

Our staff has an annual staff conference, and this year it was in Durban, which means the beach!! Our theme for the week was “Together”. It was a great week to take some time to dive in the Word, have worship time and just grow together as a staff!! Our staff is awesome!

Oct…Leading teams

This was a fun month! I was able to co-lead my first team! It was a BLAST! Leading the team is fun, but the best part of being with the team is being at the care point everyday for a week! It’s always fun to see the teams at the care points…the kids love the attention!

Nov…Christmas parties!

You might wonder why we do Christmas parties early, but the kids get out of school in November for the year. A lot of our care point kids go and visit family members during this time. We want to make sure the kids are at the care point for the party so we do them early!


This was my first Christmas in Swaziland! And boy was it different…it was HOT! Waking up on Christmas morning and wearing summer clothes doesn’t make me think of Christmas! It was a great day though to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior!! Happy Birthday Jesus!!

Hope you guys have a great 2015!! Thanks for all the prayers and support! Without you guys, I wouldn’t be here! Love you guys! 



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  1. How awesome this is to see!! THanks for posting Morgan. Sidney and I surely do miss you! What a blessing it is to be apart of touching so many people’s lives. Can’t wait to see where God takes you in 2015!! That painting session looked fun. Miss you, praying for you, and love you! xoxo Hugs, The Kerby Girls 🙂

  2. Great to see your smiling face. So glad you are loving your time there! We miss you and love you.

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